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Prashant Prabhu


"You need to know things the others don't know. It's what no one knows about you that allows you to know yourself"

- Don DeLillo, Point Omega

I believe, all good friends were once strangers. So if u've stumbled by this page and found something interesting, feel free to drop me a mail :)


I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession and one of those lot that's crammed in the city of Bangalore.


Weekdays here tend to be hectic and I've found my hobbies have been with me as a stress buster. Trekking and Travelling has helped me explore Photography. Reading has been a good companion often when I commute. Sketching whenever I've a pencil in hand. And Cooking has been an almost every evening ritual.


I might sound an introvert when I say, I enjoy my own company as much as I enjoy spending time with my friends or family. But this self time is what gives me time to dedicate to the things I love. There’s somewhat more sentimental side to this as well: sometimes you need to channel your inner self to really find yourself and your artistic vision.


This site is to showcase some of my photographs, sketches and recipes. Hope you enjoy going through it, as much I did sharing them :)

©2010- present.  Prashant Prabhu

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